Communities & Government Working Well Together

Guest Speaker: Jim Diers (USA)

Guest Speaker: Jim Diers (USA)

Jim Diers has a passion for getting people engaged with their communities and in the decisions that affect their lives. He was appointed the first director of Seattle’s department of neighbourhoods in 1988. His book Neighbour Power deals with his experience of working with community and with Government. It is available from City of Sydney Libraries.

Currently, in addition to teaching at the University of Washington, he travels internationally to deliver speeches, present workshops, and assist community associations, non-profit organisations, and government.

Jim has visited Australia a number of times and on previous visits has worked with City of Sydney Council as well as delivering sessions for Land and Housing Corporation and REDWatch.

You can download the pdf flyer for this lecture from here

10th Annual Marg Barry Lecture

Since 2005, The Marg Barry Memorial Lecture has been held annually, to celebrate and continue the work of an outstanding South Sydney community activist, politician, networker, provocateur and former Coordinator of the Inner Sydney Regional Council for Social Development, Marg Barry (1934-2001). An invaluable asset to her community, Marg was awarded the Order of Australia for service to her community in 1999.

Tuesday June 2nd, 2-4 pm
Redfern Town Hall
73 Pitt Street, Redfern

RSVP: Inner Sydney Regional Council Ph: 02 9698 7690 e-mail: .
