Inner Sydney Voice magazine — autumn 2022

After more than 40 years as a printed publication, Inner Sydney Voice has gone completely digital.

Back in the day, ISV started out as a humble newsletter before gradually evolving over the decades into the professionally produced, high-quality magazine you receive today. While there is more than some sadness at reaching an end of an era, digital publications are more flexible to produce.

They also open up added dimensions for readers. Hyperlinks inserted into stories offer readers an opportunity to dive deeper into the issues. In this edition, for instance, you can delve into the details of the Waterloo South planning proposals or dig deeper into research on COVID’s impact on poverty and inequality. You’ll also be able to burrow into the nuts of a report on housing affordability and probe further into the history of the Tent Embassy.

The autumn 2022 issue is available in both flipbook and PDF formats.

The ISV team hopes you enjoy the digital experience and your feedback is welcomed at
