Marg Barry Lecture now online!

7 November 2012

Thanks to everyone who attended The Annual Marg Barry Memorial Lecture on Thursday, December 6th at 4pm, Redfern Town Hall, 73 Pitt St, Redfern. The theme was Democracy from the ground up: the real stuff of community engagement.

The speakers were:

  • Dr. Dallas Rogers, Research Fellow at University of Western Sydney’s School of Social Sciences and Psychology; and
  • Graeme Stuart, Community Engagement (Teaching & Learning), The Family Action Centre, University of Newcastle

Weren’t able to attend? Download the lecture by Dr. Dallas Rogers or listen to the sound file.

You can also download a copy of the invite or the program for more information.

Check #margbarry on Twitter for live tweets.

The Annual Marg Barry Lecture - 2012


Since 2005, The Marg Barry Memorial Lecture has been held annually, to celebrate and continue the work of an outstanding South Sydney community activist, politician, networker, provocateur and former Coordinator of the Inner Sydney Regional Council for Social Development, Marg Barry (1934-2001).

Over the years, the lecture has educated and engaged local residents, community activists and and community organisations on topics such as the changing nature of neighbourhoods and the importance of building electronic communities, the global financial crisis and its negative impacts on social inclusion, and the importance and power of preserving social history.

For more information about the lecture and to download past lectures, click here.


Photo: Marg at a protest.
