Poems on the mental health experience by Wayne Haddon

26 August 2015 | Posted In: #126 Spring 2015, Mental Health, Planning for People and Social Issues, | Author: Wayne Haddon

Wayne Haddon has almost sixty competed works some of which delve into mental health issues like the two we have printed here which give a very personal view of two aspects of his personal health journey. He also is an artist with several paintings.

penv: the start:

I awoke one morning into a hell of a day
all I could think of is I have to get away
was up all night fearful with fright
voices echoed we’re gonna kill you alright
look around no one to be found
the voices loud again and again
we’re gonna give you pain
imminent death was around
still no one to be found
all night long my head was a throng
of voices death and fear
panic set in had to get out of here
had to confront the source
looking back it was me of course
had to walk people stare and gawk
behind my back they talk
soon it becomes clear
it’s everywhere
nowhere to run to many to face
I’m absolutely all over the place
feeling deranged not ready for such a change
exposed in the day
with an overwhelming feeling I need to pray
make my way to a chapel
using the last of my apple
fall to my knees
I beg you father I beg you please
put me at ease
tears stream down and hit the ground
a man says friend you have to leave
I look at him for some reprieve
that’s how it started and it hasn’t parted
the voices and people still at me today
but now I’m a fortress strong
and no man can say I’m wrong
I just get along
with what I need to do
writing is healing and to some it’s appealing
I’ve come a long way can feel the light inside me these days

This poem by Wayne Haddon is about his first overwhelming psychosis




friends in a jam:

friends in a jam got the grand slam,
locked in a social soup like a chicken coup,
but there’s friends to be had,
through the good and the bad,
locked doors, polished floors,
medication, hesitation, elation, frustration,
pretty nurses to make you smile,
the wrong words your in for a while,
people who will help you, if you help yourself,
flotsam and jetsam who’ve been left on the shelf,
a reality that’s real and lacks appeal,
mania and depression suicidal aggression,
talk is cheap but it’s clear that’s why some of us are here,
a leap of faith that will take you to that place
where freedom lies beyond the disguise and alibis
of life’s ups and downs smiles and frowns, warriors and clowns,
it’s a game we play night and day
staff and consumer serious humour,
looking through the glass door,
makes no difference if you’re rich or poor,
relaxation without taxation,
everyone’s got the answer that’s why we’re all here

This poem by Wayne Haddon is about being admitted to hospital concerning mental health issues


We also would like to thank William Wolfenden an occupational therapist from Bondi Mental Health Centre, a part of the Eastern Suburbs Mental Health Service, for putting us in touch with Wayne and his poetry.
