
Inner Sydney Voice magazine reflects our commitment to social justice, community development, affordable housing, sustainable living, liveable cities, zero waste, green space, equal rights, climate action, government accountability, Indigenous self-determination, and a fair go for all.

Inner Sydney Voice magazine distils the latest research and untangles just-released studies and reports. There’s news, analysis, human interest, history, biography, and opinion. Our contributors include a wide range of expert voices including (but not limited to) academics, advocates, activists, agitators, citizen journalists, local residents, and community leaders.

ISV is committed to making sure the voices we publish continue to be heard by as many people as possible. As well as the hard copy, the magazine is also available online or in PDF and flipbook formats.

We invite anyone within the local community to contribute to Inner Sydney Voice. We also encourage people to subscribe to the magazine.

If you are interested in getting involved with Inner Sydney Voice, please contact Inner Sydney Voice on admin@innersydneyvoice.org.au or 02 9698 7690.

