Inner Sydney Voice – Support for Aged and Disability Services

6 September 2016 | Posted In: #130 Spring 2016, Ageing, Celebrating 40 years, Disability Issues, Disability Services, Inner Sydney Voice – ISRCSD, Planning for People and Social Issues, | Author: Enis Jusufspahic

Inner Sydney Voice continues to play a role with the Aged and Disability sectors through the Sector Support and Development Project in Eastern Sydney which supports the Commonwealth Home Support Programme and the Community Care Supports Program.

In 2010 the Home and Community Care (HACC) program split into two separate programs:

  1. The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) which provides entry level services for frail, older people aged 65 years and over (or 50 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples) who need assistance with daily living to remain living independently at home and in the community.
  1. The Community Care Supports Program (CCSP) that provides services to people with disability under the age of 65 who have a permanent disability which impacts the person’s ability to carry out tasks of daily living.

The most common services delivered under CHSP and CCSP include:

  • Meals
  • Transport
  • Domestic Assistance
  • Personal Care
  • Home Maintenance
  • Home Modifications
  • Social Support
  • Nursing
  • Allied Health and Therapy Services
  • Goods, Equipment and Assistive Technology
  • Specialised Support Services

The Sector Support & Development Officer (SSDO) provides support to existing CHSP and CCSP services in the Eastern Sydney region on individual basis around service output and outcome reporting, meeting Home Care Standards, strategic planning and business development as well as regional activities such as:

  • planning and development of services looking at gaps in service and special needs groups
  • improving referrals pathways with referral agencies in NSW Health
  • Implementing service improvement initiatives e.g. wellness, enablement and consumer directed care
  • liaising with departmental contact managers regarding local issues
  • producing promotional material about funded services

The SSDO meeting regularly with CHSP and CCSP services through a monthly Forum and three working party meetings including:

  • Social Support Services Working Group
  • Elder Abuse Protocol Working Group
  • Aboriginal Ageing and Disability Forum

Currently we are proceeding with roll out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and greater individualisation in aged care as well as a new intake and assessment system for all aged care services called My Aged Care. Service providers have been providing feedback around systemic issues which we have raised directly with the funding body, through regional networks and through submissions to inquiries.

The Sector Support and Development Officers’ Role [from the Program Schedule for Aged Care Funding]:

Activity Aim: Sector Support and Development – To build the capacity of the sector to meet the needs of the clients; incorporate the outcomes of the evaluations; and develop best practice.

Service Description

Provide a range of support, resource & information services to CHSP funded agencies & other organisations providing for the benefit of the CHSP Target Population.

Service Activities

a) Inform current and potential service users, relevant government agencies, health, community care, disability providers and the community about the CHSP and the services it offers.

b) Build and generate social capital through establishing, maintaining and participating in networks, partnerships and links within and across relevant sectors.

c) Support and be a resource for local CHSP networks and individual CHSP funded agencies.

d) Provide information to CHSP funded agencies on Program policies and guidelines such as the CHSP Manual, the Home Care Standards, referral and assessment protocols and reporting requirements such as biannual output reports.

e) Support and inform CHSP-funded agencies on policy implementation and policy changes.

f) Support groups of CHSP services that wish to consolidate their activities in order to achieve greater efficiency or higher quality services.

g) Share and disseminate good practice and local, state, national and global initiatives and research.

h) Promote better practice towards a cohesive community care sector.

i) Assist with identification and prioritisation of regional needs.

j) Collate views and information from service users and providers to peak and government agencies to improve the service system.

k) Provide governance information, including addressing management committees and participating in organisational planning days.

l) Facilitate CHSP funded and related community care agencies’ access to appropriate information, resources and relevant training.

m) Develop strategies to identify and address the training needs of CHSP-funded organisations.

n) In collaboration with any other development worker(s), contribute to project and service system planning by identifying shared goals and complementary strategies.

For more information on the Sector Support & Development Project in Eastern Sydney contact Enis Jusufspahic SSDO Eastern Sydney at Inner Sydney Voice on or visit Home and Community Care Development Project

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