The community asked for what was negotiable and non-negotiable to be available before consultations started. In the lead up to the start of visioning, Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) has provided the following details on the drivers and commitments on the Waterloo redevelopment.

NSW Government’s Future Directions for Social Housing in NSW strategy, Communities Plus program and the construction of a new Sydney Metro station at Waterloo led to the area being nominated as a State Significant Precinct referred to as the Waterloo Redevelopment Precinct. The Waterloo Redevelopment Precinct is made up of the Waterloo Estate (owned by Land and Housing Corporation) and the new Metro Quarter (above the station to be developed by UrbanGrowth NSW).  The area also includes a number of privately owned properties.

The new Sydney metro will be the gateway to the Waterloo Precinct redevelopment.

The redevelopment of the Waterloo social housing estate will be delivered under the Communities Plus program – a key feature of the Future Directions strategy. The Communities Plus program aims to make the best use of government owned social housing land to fund the construction of new and more social, affordable and private housing across NSW.

Aging social housing will be replaced with new, modern homes to improve the living conditions for social housing residents. This also includes tenancy management and support services to ensure the ongoing safety, health and wellbeing of residents.

The context for the Waterloo redevelopment includes:

  • A new metro station will be built between Botany Road and Cope Street.
  • Moving towards a housing mix on the precinct, of private, social and affordable housing. The sale of the private homes will fund the new social housing dwellings.
  • There will be no loss of the current 2,012 social housing, and the aim is to have 30% of total dwellings as social housing.
  • Up to 70% of the new dwellings will be private housing with 5%-10% of these being affordable housing for low to moderate-income households on the Waterloo estate site.
  • The metro quarter will also provide affordable housing.
  • There will be more housing in a master-planned precinct; this means more people will call Waterloo home. LAHC say this will bring other social benefits to the area, such as new and improved services, community facilities, shops and job opportunities.
  • Private and not-for-profit sector investment is required to deliver the redevelopment.
  • The model of management for social housing (public/community housing) will be determined through the redevelopment process.

LAHC recognises that Waterloo residents have many questions about what the redevelopment of the Precinct means for them and has made the following assurances:

  • Planning for future services to support residents’ health, safety and wellbeing will be done in parallel to the master planning process.
  • Engagement will be active, meaningful and respectful and will recognise the cultural and historical importance of Waterloo and draw on local knowledge.
  • The metro quarter will be a new hub and provide connectivity for the area.
  • All social housing will be designed to be accessible for the elderly and people with disability.
  • A mix of public and open spaces of the highest quality for the safe interaction for people of all ages, cultures and abilities.
  • New community spaces, facilities, services, shops and employment opportunities will be available within the Redevelopment Precinct.
  • The Congregational Church will be protected.
  • The redevelopment will be delivered in stages over the next 15-20 years.

In addition to the above, tenants can also be assured by LAHC that:

  • The intention is for the majority of residents to move from their current homes straight into the new social housing as buildings are completed.
  • Any resident who needs to be temporarily relocated:
    • Will have the right to return to the new development.
    • Will be given a minimum 6-months’ notice of when they will need to relocate.
    • Will be assigned a dedicated FACS Relocation Officer to help them through the process.
    • Will have the costs associated with relocating covered by FACS.
  • Tenants will have their current lease arrangements stay the same in the relocated premises (applies to both continuous and time-limited leases).
  • The Waterloo estate will continue to be maintained during the redevelopment.
  • The current mid-2018 timing of relocations will be reviewed to possibly later in 2018, subject to master planning.

These drivers and undertakings were provided by LAHC. They were still under discussion between LAHC and the NAB’s Waterloo Redevelopment Group when we went to print.
