What the candidates said?
ISV wrote to all candidates in the ISV region and requested responses on some critical issues facing our community. We developed an ISV Election Platform covering some of the key issues to address social and economic disadvantaged in our community:
- Cost of living
- Housing for: renters, first home owners and older people
- Improved opportunities for social connection
- Community centre inclusion and investment
We call on all candidates and elected representatives to listen to all voices, not only the most dominant ones. We work with a wide range of stakeholders to create genuine opportunities for people to have input, especially people who are disempowered. We enable people to engage effectively in consultation, planning and decision-making affecting their lives. We believe in strengthening the capacity of organisations that pursue related goals to improve outcomes in the community.
We asked candidates to respond to 8 questions before 20th March 2023, indicating such responses would be published on our website or in our magazine. We used their registered electoral contact details (where available). In addition, ISV Board members and staff attended a number of Meet the Candidate forums and asked questions based on the ISV election Platform.
What did we ask?
- Will you support a local community driven strategy to reduce the impact of the cost of living including, but not limited to advocating for a cost of living support package for low income earners?
- Will you support mandating climate proofing of all new affordable housing stock?
- In regards to making renting fair will you pay your part and legislate and remove NO Grounds Evictions, ban secret rent bidding and vote to create a Rent Commission to protect the rights of renters?
- What strategies to do you have in place that will reduce the barriers to home ownership for first home buyers?
- Will you take the advice of all key advocates such as Shelter, Homelessness NSW, Inner Sydney Voice and COTA NSW and approve the funding of a specialist older person’s housing and information support service.
- Our platform provides solutions to reduce social isolation in our region. How do you plan to support our proposed solutions?
- What is your position on our proposal to provide core funding to local organisations like Inner Sydney Voice who can facilitate local engagement and connections and local service development capability?
- Do you support an indigenous voice to the NSW parliament and a Treaty with First Nations people in NSW, as is being progressed in other states?
For more than 45 years, Inner Sydney Voice has promoted social justice and campaigned for community development.
The responses to these questions are included in the table below. Where candidates provided information on un related issues, these have not been included. You may find this information on the candidates website.
Candidates who responded:
- Sarina Kilham
- Glen Stelzer
- Kobi Shetty
- Jenny Leong
- Izabella Antoniou
- Abigail Boyd
- Sue Higginson
- Phillipa Scott
- David Hetherington
- Alex Greenwich
- Kay Dunn
- Holly Williamson
- Tracy Yuen
- Roderick Aguilar
- Philipa Veich
Cost of Living | Yes – The local community know their needs and what will work best for them. We need to ensure that people aren’t having to choose between eating or paying rent. That’s outrageous in a wealthy country like Australia. |
Climate Proofing new affordable housing | Yes – All new housing stock in NSW must be climate proof – we can not limit this to affordable housing only. Houses form part of neighbourhoods and depend on the design and planning of the wider streetscape and suburbs. Climate-Proof Housing must go hand-in-hand with urban design for climate-proof suburbs, for walkability, for cycle-ability, for safe and freely accessible public space. We are meant to be a world-class city, but it can be so hard, hot, noisy, traffic-congested to get even short distances in our electorate. There are beautiful pockets of place, we’ve got the expertise, we’ve got connected communities who know what they want – we now need a local MP who listens and stands up for local residents. |
Ban No ground evictions; Ban rent bids | Yes – People who rent deserve to be able to have a home – with tenancy laws that support long-term secure housing. Nearly 60% of residents in Heffron are renters and many people will rent their entire lives. We need caps on rental increases (I’m proposing a 15% cap in a 3-year-period) and tenancy laws that reflect that renters are not transitional, not renting just while they study.
Renters are professionals, couples, families – people who deserve to know that their rent won’t increase outrageously forcing them to move and that they can have a pet, hang a picture, plant a garden without the fear of eviction or loss of bond. We know this can be done because it is common in other countries. Housing is a human right, and the major parties have failed to see the human-element because for decades both sides have been treating housing like an investment. |
Reduce barriers to home ownership | First up, we need a mind shift. Homes are not commodities. Home ownership is linked to wider social and economic trends – the policy must fit the times.
Incomes, interest rates, decades of a housing system dominated by rich, older people with investment properties won’t be fixed by more little-cash ‘home-owner grants’. This is the ultimate individualisation of an issue that is deeply structural. I’ve been reading the expert opinion on this – Dr A Pennington, the author of “Gen F’d: How Young Australians Can Reclaim Their Uncertain Futures” and other experts have some pretty clear recommendations. Here’s 3 key actions I think we need a new NSW Government to do: ● Immediate and short-term: change tenancy laws to support long-term secure housing, so renters can have homes ● Expand public and social housing, integrated with design for 20-minute suburbs, public transport and food infrastructure ● Support pro-social housing models (cooperatives, concessional government loans) collaborate with civil society organisations and both Federal and local governments to find local solutions -what works in one place, won’t suit another. |
Older persons housing information service | Yes |
Reduce social isolation | Yes – People who rent deserve to be able to have a home – with tenancy laws that support long-term secure housing. Nearly 60% of residents in Heffron are renters and many people will rent their entire lives. We need caps on rental increases (I’m proposing a 15% cap in a 3-year-period) and tenancy laws that reflect that renters are not transitional, not renting just while they study.
Renters are professionals, couples, families – people who deserve to know that their rent won’t increase outrageously forcing them to move and that they can have a pet, hang a picture, plant a garden without the fear of eviction or loss of bond. We know this can be done because it is common in other countries. Housing is a human right, and the major parties have failed to see the human-element because for decades both sides have been treating housing like an investment |
7 Fund community development organisations like ISV | I started my career working for a local youth organisation in 2001 – I’m well aware of the shoe-string budgets, and incredible work that many community organisations and their staff do on a daily basis.
I agree that core funding of community-based organisations is key to continuing their work. |
8 NSW Voice to Parliament/ Treaty | Yes. I support Voice, Treaty (or Treaties as may be the case) and Truth-telling at both State and Federal Level. It is important to note that these go together.
Voice, Treaty and Truth will benefit all Australians. |
Cost of Living | Yes |
Climate Proofing new affordable housing | Yes |
Ban No ground evictions; Ban rent bids | Yes |
Reduce barriers to home ownership | Public Housing No interest loans |
Older persons housing information service | Yes |
Reduce social isolation | Intergenerational hubs at schools /community centres |
Fund community development organisations like ISV | Yes |
NSW Voice to Parliament/ Treaty | Yes |
Cost of Living | Yes. People are struggling to keep their head above water because the cost of everything is going up. With inflation increasing and wages flatlining, too many people in New South Wales are coming under financial strain. The Greens want to improve the standard of living for everyone across New South Wales. We’re committed to addressing the housing crisis and will support significant reforms for renters and investing in more public, social and affordable housing. We will scrap the public sector wages cap, invest to ensure lower energy prices are a reality, and build affordable housing. We’re committed to easing cost of living pressures by making public transport cheaper and ensuring public schools are genuinely free. I am absolutely ready to support community driven strategies to ease cost of living pressures. I look forward to hearing more on this, it will be important to get the details right but of course the best people to identify solutions to a crisis are those who are most keenly feeling its effects. Low income residents in inner-suburban Sydney should absolutely be driving these discussions. |
Climate Proofing new affordable housing | Yes, absolutely. In fact I would go further – the Planning Act needs to be specific about the planning system’s role in reducing emissions and protecting NSW against climate change impacts. In April 2022, Jamie Parker MP put forward a bill to NSW Parliament to require any new development to address a comprehensive range of measures to improve climate outcomes. This proposed law would have ensured development approvals take into consideration the embedded energy in a development as well as the complete life-cycle of building materials and methods. Disappointingly, both NSW Labor and the Liberals blocked this legislation’s passage through NSW Parliament |
Ban No ground evictions; Ban rent bids | Yes. The millions of renters in NSW need stronger rights to protect them against dodgy landlords and massive rent hikes. Rents are rising four times faster than wages – in some cases by 30% since the start of the pandemic, with renters being forced to pay up to $3,000 more per year on rent in 2022. People who rent are living in constant fear of being evicted for asking for repairs or complaining about a rent increase, because they know how hard it is just to find somewhere to live. We know that more and more people are life-long renters – and that means people who rent need to have long-term, secure leases and real protections to be able to make a home and put down roots in a community.
The Greens will: ·
Reduce barriers to home ownership | Everyone in NSW should have access to a home they can afford. The chronic housing crisis in NSW means we need a housing revolution now. The Greens will lead this revolution and commit to NSW investing in a once-in-a -generation mega public homes building project that will forever change peoples’ lives now and into the future. This rebalancing of our housing portfolio will have a flow-on effect making housing more affordable for more well-off renters and first home buyers, by increasing the number of homes in a way that ensures those on the lowest incomes will always have access to a home they can afford.
The Greens will radically reshape public housing in this state so that it becomes what it was established for – back when governments supported the idea that good quality, safe, accessible, and affordable housing was something we all had a legitimate claim to. Our promise for a massive investment in the creation of livable, sustainable, and climate-safe homes is based on the conviction that everyone is entitled to live in a home that they can afford and that everyone should be able to choose to live in an affordable home for the whole of their lives if they choose. The Greens will:
Older persons housing information service | Yes, absolutely. The defunding of the Older Persons’ Tenants Service by the Liberal-National government in 2013 was extremely short sighted and we can see the impacts of this poor decision every day. More and more older people are unable to access the help and support they need and a new dedicated service is critical – especially as the largest group of people who are increasingly at risk of homelessness are older women. If elected I will work to make this an immediate multi-partisan priority in the next term of Parliament. |
Reduce social isolation | I will be pleased to work with Inner Sydney Voice on initiatives that help to reduce social isolation, and enhance opportunities for care and connection within our neighbourhoods. The health and wellbeing of all members of our community is such an important issue and there are so many opportunities to explore here. I can’t wait to work with our community to hear more about your ideas and suggestions, and help turn them into funded programs and policy priorities. It’s important that this kind of change happens from the ground up, and one of the first steps we take towards ending social isolation will be inviting communities to take a leading role in driving these discussions. |
Fund community development organisations like ISV | I am totally supportive of local organisations like Inner Sydney Voice working at the neighbourhood level to build community and improve connections across local residents, services, government agencies and business. Making sure small, community driven organisations such as Inner Sydney Voice have secure and predictable funding will be an absolute priority for me, so that you can get on with the important work of building community engagement rather than divert precious resources to fundraising and managing relationships with potential donors. |
NSW Voice to Parliament/ Treaty | Yes. I have publicly committed to supporting a First Nations Voice to the Australian Parliament and as a state MP I will work tirelessly to help bring about a Truth and Treaty process that will deliver self-determination for First Nations people in NSW
● We all need to understand the true history of NSW and its ongoing impact on First Nations people before we can move forward as a healed state. A Treaty, or Treaties, between the Traditional Owners of the land – the oldest living cultures on earth – and the state that imposed its authority violently upon First Nations people without their consent, has never been negotiated. In NSW, First Nations people never ceded sovereignty ● The Greens will work to develop a comprehensive truth telling and treaty process that delivers self determination for First Nations people, including dedicated representation in the NSW Parliament. The Greens NSW will: ● Establish a Truth & Justice Commission ● Establish an Independent Treaty Commission ● Commence a positive referendum process to create dedicated seats for First Nations people in the NSW Parliament |
Cost of Living | The Greens support this ask. At the heart of our political and social vision is working with and listening to local communities. Our election platform – Lowering the Cost of Living gives an overview of how the Greens will work with the community to reduce the impact of the cost of living. We are committed to addressing the housing crisis by significant reforms for renters and investing in more public, social and affordable housing. We are calling for a massive investment in public and social housing to deliver 100,000 new public and social homes each year for the next 10 years and to providing rent assistance for people in rental stress who are having to pay more than 30% of their income on rent. We will scrap the public sector wages cap, invest to ensure lower energy prices and build affordable housing. The Greens are committed to easing cost of living pressures by making public transport free and by ensuring public schools are genuinely free. Additionally we will lower household energy costs by:
● Establishing a new publicly-owned bank in NSW to provide lower-cost mortgages and higher-rate savings accounts, and to facilitate the payment of government assistance in times of financial stress. ● Establishing a new government-owned electricity retailer, while working to take all energy generator and grid assets back into public hands, which 1 will offer electricity prices without the excess charges or inflated margins demanded by the major energy companies. ● Help households get off gas with grants and zero-interest loans for replacing old polluting gas heating and hot water appliances with energy-efficient electric heat pumps and induction cooktops. ● Introduce a ban on installing gas in new residential builds. ● Provide support for people to install solar panels on their homes and businesses. ● Introduce requirements to ensure low-income earners and renters can access energy efficiency measures in their homes. |
Climate Proofing new affordable housing | Yes. The Greens are committed to legislating for higher BASIX and NABERS standards and for rental and affordable housing to include higher basic requirements for heating, cooling, water proofing, and ventilation. We believe housing should be constructed in accordance with ecologically sustainable development principles and be climate positive and climate ready. We support government funding to assist retrofitting homes to become more energy efficient as well as new and renovated homes to be climate change ready and carbon positive within a specific timeframe. |
Ban No ground evictions; Ban rent bids | The Greens have championed renter’s rights in consultation with renters and key housing advocacy organisations including the Tenants Union NSW, Shelter NSW and Homelessness NSW. We have called specifically for a ban on unfair no grounds evictions since 2015 when Jenny Leong MP, Greens NSW spokesperson on Housing was elected to the NSW Parliament. We have a comprehensive renters election initiative – Freeze and Cut Rents which includes calls for a rent freeze, rent control, an end to no grounds evictions and the establishment of an independent body to regulate rents. In 2022 The Greens called for an end to rent bidding and also put forward a Bill to end No Grounds Evictions which was not supported by the Liberal National government or the Labor Party. |
Reduce barriers to home ownership | Our Housing and Homelessness policy includes commitments to new housing models and an end to stamp duty. The Greens support cooperative and shared equity housing models as we believe that people should have more options for housing cooperative housing and community land trusts which would significantly reduce some of the huge costs associated with private home ownership. We want to see government incentives for the development of these diverse housing options. Additionally, The Greens support removing stamp duty, and introducing a broad-based progressive land tax system that ensures that holdings in other states and territories are considered in the tax rate that is applied. We commit to a fair and rapid transition from stamp duty to land tax with means-testing to allow eligible homeowners to defer land tax. We are committed to:
● Governments making land available on a long-term leasehold basis at reduced cost to co-operatives and other not-for-profit entities that provide affordable housing equity products to their members. ● The purchase of sites or buildings for low-cost housing via Community Land Trusts. ● Assistance to structure legal entities such as limited or mixed-equity housing co-operatives to provide and manage affordable housing. ● Abolishing tax concessions that encourage investor speculation in housing, such as negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions. ● Introducing an annual land tax on luxury properties. |
Older persons housing information service | The Greens NSW endorse and will act to get government funding for the calls of Shelter, Homelessness NSW, COTA and Inner City Voice to fund a specialist older person’s housing and information support service. 3 We are committed to better coordination of government and agency services, and improved delivery of information to older people about the services available to them. Governments must carry out long term planning based on needs analysis and appropriate consultation with older people so as to provide adequate, appropriate and timely services across all regions of NSW, taking into account the diversity of cultures and needs in the community. Such services should meet the health, housing, supplementary care and social wellbeing of older people. There must be adequate, appropriate consultation with First Nations peoples and culturally and linguistically diverse communities so that the full range of services can be delivered in a culturally appropriate manner. |
Reduce social isolation | The Greens plan for Supporting the Social Services Sector includes the following:
● Provide funding security for the social services sector ● Guarantee funding for neighbourhood and community centres ● Fund local programs to target social isolation and strengthen community connections ● Resource community legal services to meet 100% of demand ● Invest in the social services workforce with a workforce development strategy The Greens understand the crucial role played by neighbourhood centres and recognise the expertise of centres in identifying challenges faced by their local communities and the tailored solutions that will best benefit their unique context. We are committed to developing an ongoing and collaborative dialogue between government and community and neighbourhood centres through a formalised partnership agreement. |
Fund community development organisations like ISV | The Greens will ensure that the social and community services sector is resourced with sustainable and secure funding, and its essential workforce receives the investment it needs and deserves. Included in our commitment are the following:
● Provide funding security for the social services sector ● Guarantee funding for neighbourhood and community centres ● Fund local programs to target social isolation and strengthen community connections ● Resource community legal services to meet 100% of demand ● Invest in the social services workforce with a workforce development strategy |
NSW Voice to Parliament/ Treaty | The Greens support progress on all elements of the Uluru Statement from the Heart – Truth, Treaty, and Voice. As the federal Labor government has been working out their plan, The Australian Greens have been pushing them on several fronts: to make sure we see progress on Treaty, to ensure Labor’s approach doesn’t undermine First Nations Sovereignty, and that we see progress on ending deaths in custody and child removals. The NSW Greens have outlined our plan for Treaty and Truth Telling in NSW in our First Nations Justice election platform. We will commence a state-wide process of truth-telling and healing, on the path to Treaty and self-determination for First Nations people of New South Wales as outlined in our Truth Telling and Treaty election initiative. We will:
● Establish a Truth & Justice Commission ● Establish an Independent Treaty Commission ● Commence a positive referendum process to create dedicated seats for First Nations people in the NSW Parliament 5 We are committed to a Treaty process that will: ● Determine the standards for how First Nations knowledge, culture and communities can thrive ● Be built on truth-telling and healing. This means exploring, understanding, and reckoning with our painful past and the impact it continues to have on First Nations people and their cultures ● Provide an opportunity for everyone in NSW to celebrate what unites us and tell the story of who we are as a state. It’s a way to own up to our past and be proud of our future |
Cost of Living | The Greens support this ask. At the heart of our political and social vision is working with and listening to local communities. Our election platform – Lowering the Cost of Living gives an overview of how the Greens will work with the community to reduce the impact of the cost of living. We are committed to addressing the housing crisis by significant reforms for renters and investing in more public, social, and affordable housing. We are calling for a massive investment in public and social housing to deliver 100,000 new public and social homes each year for the next 10 years and to providing rent assistance for people in rental stress who are having to pay more than 30% of their income on rent. We will scrap the public sector wages cap, invest to ensure lower energy prices and build affordable housing. The Greens are committed to easing cost of living pressures by making public transport free and by ensuring public schools are genuinely free. Additionally we will lower household energy costs by:
● Establishing a new publicly-owned bank in NSW to provide lower-cost mortgages and higher-rate savings accounts, and to facilitate the payment of government assistance in times of financial stress. ● Establishing a new government-owned electricity retailer, while working to take all energy generator and grid assets back into public hands, which 1 will offer electricity prices without the excess charges or inflated margins demanded by the major energy companies. ● Help households get off gas with grants and zero-interest loans for replacing old polluting gas heating and hot water appliances with energy-efficient electric heat pumps and induction cooktops. ● Introduce a ban on installing gas in new residential builds. ● Provide support for people to install solar panels on their homes and businesses. ● Introduce requirements to ensure low-income earners and renters can access energy efficiency measures in their homes. |
Climate Proofing new affordable housing | Yes. The Greens are committed to legislating for higher BASIX and NABERS standards and for rental and affordable housing to include higher basic requirements for heating, cooling, water proofing, and ventilation. We believe housing should be constructed in accordance with ecologically sustainable development principles and be climate positive and climate ready. We support government funding to assist retrofitting homes to become more energy efficient as well as new and renovated homes to be climate change ready and carbon positive within a specific timeframe. |
Ban No ground evictions; Ban rent bids | The Greens have championed renter’s rights in consultation with renters and key housing advocacy organisations including the Tenants Union NSW, Shelter NSW and Homelessness NSW. We have called specifically for a ban on unfair no grounds evictions since 2015 when Jenny Leong MP, Greens NSW spokesperson on Housing was elected to the NSW Parliament. We have a comprehensive renters election initiative – Freeze and Cut Rents which includes calls for a rent freeze, rent control, an end to no grounds evictions and the establishment of an independent body to regulate rents. In 2022 The Greens called for an end to rent bidding and also put forward a Bill to end No Grounds Evictions which was not supported by the Liberal National government or the Labor Party. |
Reduce barriers to home ownership | Our Housing and Homelessness policy includes commitments to new housing models and an end to stamp duty. The Greens support cooperative and shared equity housing models as we believe that people should have more options for housing cooperative housing and community land trusts which would significantly reduce some of the huge costs associated with private home ownership. We want to see government incentives for the development of these diverse housing options. Additionally, The Greens support removing stamp duty, and introducing a broad-based progressive land tax system that ensures that holdings in other states and territories are considered in the tax rate that is applied. We commit to a fair and rapid transition from stamp duty to land tax with means-testing to allow eligible homeowners to defer land tax. We are committed to:
● Governments making land available on a long-term leasehold basis at reduced cost to co-operatives and other not-for-profit entities that provide affordable housing equity products to their members. ● The purchase of sites or buildings for low-cost housing via Community Land Trusts. ● Assistance to structure legal entities such as limited or mixed-equity housing co-operatives to provide and manage affordable housing. ● Abolishing tax concessions that encourage investor speculation in housing, such as negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions. ● Introducing an annual land tax on luxury properties. |
Older persons housing information service | The Greens NSW endorse and will act to get government funding for the calls of Shelter, Homelessness NSW, COTA and Inner City Voice to fund a specialist older person’s housing and information support service. 3 We are committed to better coordination of government and agency services, and improved delivery of information to older people about the services available to them. Governments must carry out long term planning based on needs analysis and appropriate consultation with older people so as to provide adequate, appropriate and timely services across all regions of NSW, taking into account the diversity of cultures and needs in the community. Such services should meet the health, housing, supplementary care and social wellbeing of older people. There must be adequate, appropriate consultation with First Nations peoples and culturally and linguistically diverse communities so that the full range of services can be delivered in a culturally appropriate manner. |
Reduce social isolation | The Greens plan for Supporting the Social Services Sector includes the following:
● Provide funding security for the social services sector ● Guarantee funding for neighbourhood and community centres ● Fund local programs to target social isolation and strengthen community connections ● Resource community legal services to meet 100% of demand ● Invest in the social services workforce with a workforce development strategy The Greens understand the crucial role played by neighbourhood centres and recognise the expertise of centres in identifying challenges faced by their local communities and the tailored solutions that will best benefit their unique context. We are committed to developing an ongoing and collaborative dialogue between government and community and neighbourhood centres through a formalised partnership agreement. |
Fund community development organisations like ISV | The Greens will ensure that the social and community services sector is resourced with sustainable and secure funding, and its essential workforce receives the investment it needs and deserves. Included in our commitment are the following:
● Provide funding security for the social services sector ● Guarantee funding for neighbourhood and community centres ● Fund local programs to target social isolation and strengthen community connections ● Resource community legal services to meet 100% of demand ● Invest in the social services workforce with a workforce development strategy |
NSW Voice to Parliament/ Treaty | The Greens support progress on all elements of the Uluru Statement from the Heart – Truth, Treaty, and Voice. As the federal Labor government has been working out their plan, The Australian Greens have been pushing them on several fronts: to make sure we see progress on Treaty, to ensure Labor’s approach doesn’t undermine First Nations Sovereignty, and that we see progress on ending deaths in custody and child removals. The NSW Greens have outlined our plan for Treaty and Truth Telling in NSW in our First Nations Justice election platform. We will commence a state-wide process of truth-telling and healing, on the path to Treaty and self-determination for First Nations people of New South Wales as outlined in our Truth Telling and Treaty election initiative. We will:
● Establish a Truth & Justice Commission ● Establish an Independent Treaty Commission ● Commence a positive referendum process to create dedicated seats for First Nations people in the NSW Parliament 5 We are committed to a Treaty process that will: ● Determine the standards for how First Nations knowledge, culture and communities can thrive ● Be built on truth-telling and healing. This means exploring, understanding, and reckoning with our painful past and the impact it continues to have on First Nations people and their cultures ● Provide an opportunity for everyone in NSW to celebrate what unites us and tell the story of who we are as a state. It’s a way to own up to our past and be proud of our future |
Cost of Living | The Greens support this ask. At the heart of our political and social vision is working with and listening to local communities. Our election platform – Lowering the Cost of Living gives an overview of how the Greens will work with the community to reduce the impact of the cost of living. We are committed to addressing the housing crisis by significant reforms for renters and investing in more public, social and affordable housing. We are calling for a massive investment in public and social housing to deliver 100,000 new public and social homes each year for the next 10 years and to providing rent assistance for people in rental stress who are having to pay more than 30% of their income on rent. We will scrap the public sector wages cap, invest to ensure lower energy prices and build affordable housing. The Greens are committed to easing cost of living pressures by making public transport free and by ensuring public schools are genuinely free. Additionally we will lower household energy costs by:
● Establishing a new publicly-owned bank in NSW to provide lower-cost mortgages and higher-rate savings accounts, and to facilitate the payment of government assistance in times of financial stress. ● Establishing a new government-owned electricity retailer, while working to take all energy generator and grid assets back into public hands, which 1 will offer electricity prices without the excess charges or inflated margins demanded by the major energy companies. ● Help households get off gas with grants and zero-interest loans for replacing old polluting gas heating and hot water appliances with energy-efficient electric heat pumps and induction cooktops. ● Introduce a ban on installing gas in new residential builds. ● Provide support for people to install solar panels on their homes and businesses. ● Introduce requirements to ensure low-income earners and renters can access energy efficiency measures in their homes. |
Climate Proofing new affordable housing | Yes. The Greens are committed to legislating for higher BASIX and NABERS standards and for rental and affordable housing to include higher basic requirements for heating, cooling, water proofing, and ventilation. We believe housing should be constructed in accordance with ecologically sustainable development principles and be climate positive and climate ready. We support government funding to assist retrofitting homes to become more energy efficient as well as new and renovated homes to be climate change ready and carbon positive within a specific timeframe. |
Ban No ground evictions; Ban rent bids | The Greens have championed renter’s rights in consultation with renters and key housing advocacy organisations including the Tenants Union NSW, Shelter NSW and Homelessness NSW. We have called specifically for a ban on unfair no grounds evictions since 2015 when Jenny Leong MP, Greens NSW spokesperson on Housing was elected to the NSW Parliament. We have a comprehensive renters election initiative – Freeze and Cut Rents which includes calls for a rent freeze, rent control, an end to no grounds evictions and the establishment of an independent body to regulate rents. In 2022 The Greens called for an end to rent bidding and also put forward a Bill to end No Grounds Evictions which was not supported by the Liberal National government or the Labor Party. |
Reduce barriers to home ownership | Our Housing and Homelessness policy includes commitments to new housing models and an end to stamp duty. The Greens support cooperative and shared equity housing models as we believe that people should have more options for housing cooperative housing and community land trusts which would significantly reduce some of the huge costs associated with private home ownership. We want to see government incentives for the development of these diverse housing options. Additionally, The Greens support removing stamp duty, and introducing a broad-based progressive land tax system that ensures that holdings in other states and territories are considered in the tax rate that is applied. We commit to a fair and rapid transition from stamp duty to land tax with means-testing to allow eligible homeowners to defer land tax. We are committed to:
● Governments making land available on a long-term leasehold basis at reduced cost to co-operatives and other not-for-profit entities that provide affordable housing equity products to their members. ● The purchase of sites or buildings for low-cost housing via Community Land Trusts. ● Assistance to structure legal entities such as limited or mixed-equity housing co-operatives to provide and manage affordable housing. ● Abolishing tax concessions that encourage investor speculation in housing, such as negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions. ● Introducing an annual land tax on luxury properties. |
Older persons housing information service | The Greens NSW endorse and will act to get government funding for the calls of Shelter, Homelessness NSW, COTA and Inner City Voice to fund a specialist older person’s housing and information support service. 3 We are committed to better coordination of government and agency services, and improved delivery of information to older people about the services available to them. Governments must carry out long term planning based on needs analysis and appropriate consultation with older people so as to provide adequate, appropriate and timely services across all regions of NSW, taking into account the diversity of cultures and needs in the community. Such services should meet the health, housing, supplementary care and social wellbeing of older people. There must be adequate, appropriate consultation with First Nations peoples and culturally and linguistically diverse communities so that the full range of services can be delivered in a culturally appropriate manner. |
Reduce social isolation | The Greens plan for Supporting the Social Services Sector includes the following:
● Provide funding security for the social services sector ● Guarantee funding for neighbourhood and community centres ● Fund local programs to target social isolation and strengthen community connections ● Resource community legal services to meet 100% of demand ● Invest in the social services workforce with a workforce development strategy The Greens understand the crucial role played by neighbourhood centres and recognise the expertise of centres in identifying challenges faced by their local communities and the tailored solutions that will best benefit their unique context. We are committed to developing an ongoing and collaborative dialogue between government and community and neighbourhood centres through a formalised partnership agreement. |
Fund community development organisations like ISV | The Greens will ensure that the social and community services sector is resourced with sustainable and secure funding, and its essential workforce receives the investment it needs and deserves. Included in our commitment are the following:
● Provide funding security for the social services sector ● Guarantee funding for neighbourhood and community centres ● Fund local programs to target social isolation and strengthen community connections ● Resource community legal services to meet 100% of demand ● Invest in the social services workforce with a workforce development strategy |
NSW Voice to Parliament/ Treaty | The Greens support progress on all elements of the Uluru Statement from the Heart – Truth, Treaty, and Voice. As the federal Labor government has been working out their plan, The Australian Greens have been pushing them on several fronts: to make sure we see progress on Treaty, to ensure Labor’s approach doesn’t undermine First Nations Sovereignty, and that we see progress on ending deaths in custody and child removals. The NSW Greens have outlined our plan for Treaty and Truth Telling in NSW in our First Nations Justice election platform. We will commence a state-wide process of truth-telling and healing, on the path to Treaty and self-determination for First Nations people of New South Wales as outlined in our Truth Telling and Treaty election initiative. We will:
● Establish a Truth & Justice Commission ● Establish an Independent Treaty Commission ● Commence a positive referendum process to create dedicated seats for First Nations people in the NSW Parliament 5 We are committed to a Treaty process that will: ● Determine the standards for how First Nations knowledge, culture and communities can thrive ● Be built on truth-telling and healing. This means exploring, understanding, and reckoning with our painful past and the impact it continues to have on First Nations people and their cultures ● Provide an opportunity for everyone in NSW to celebrate what unites us and tell the story of who we are as a state. It’s a way to own up to our past and be proud of our future |
Cost of Living | The biggest cost of living issue right now is housing. Labor will take strong action on housing affordability by building more, and more affordable, housing through our affordable and social housing targets for public Labor will invest in community batteries through its renewable energy corporation, especially in areas of high social housing. This will enable solar energy to be stored and redistributed to local communities. Labor will provide a $250 energy rebate for households receiving income support, pensioners and Seniors Health Card holders, FTB recipients |
Climate Proofing new affordable housing | Labor will take real action on climate change by legislating our emissions reduction targets, creating a publicly owned renewable energy company, and will invest in community batteries through its $1bn renewable energy corporation.. Labor will prioritise the installation of community batteries in areas with high social housing to ensure that low income residents get the benefit of cheap green energy.
to drive decarbonisation across the government and economy. |
Ban No ground evictions; Ban rent bids | Labor will stop the sale of our public housing, invest in home improvement for our existing public housing, and build many new public and affordable houses.
A portable bond scheme will be established. Support banning “no grounds evictions”. Support banning secret rent bidding; Labor will abolish the layers of bureaucracy that frustrate tenants and create a single tenancy and maintenance organisation, Homes NSW |
Reduce barriers to home ownership | Labor will invest in new social and affordable housing through mandatory minimum 30% targets on developments on public land |
Older persons housing information service | Support and will be proud to advocate for an older persons housing information service. The fastest-growing demographic in homelessness is women over the age of 55. The crisis in housing is affecting older people too, and social services have been shockingly underfunded by the Liberals |
Reduce social isolation | Support funding for community organisations including initiatives to reduce social isolation |
Fund community development organisations like ISV | Labor to restore funding to community services. Labor will support community organisations by extending funding agreements to 5 years so that community services can have certainty around resourcing and plan for the future. |
NSW Voice to Parliament/ Treaty | Labor is the only party at this election that is unequivocally committed to the full Uluru Statement from the Heart and its graceful call for Voice, Treaty, and Truth. While other parties equivocate and play political games with the Uluru Statement, Labor is fully committed to its implementation, and reconciliation with our First Nations people. |
Cost of Living | The cost of living increases have been tough for many people, but especially for low-income earners.
NSW Labor will help to ease the cost of rising electricity bills for 1.6 million eligible families and households through a new Energy Relief Fund. Those hit hardest by rising electricity prices will receive $250 directly off their energy bill, with the rebate applying to households receiving income support, pensioners and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders, and Family Tax Benefit recipients. Labor will also introduce a $60 weekly toll cap, overhaul the toll network and press operators for a better deal. Labor will support those on low incomes through more affordable, community and social housing, better public education options, more TAFE and university places, and better public health care, for a start. I’d like to meet ISV about a community driven strategy and to help low income earners. |
Climate Proofing new affordable housing | NSW to sign up to the Liveable Building Standards of the National Construction Code, which the Liberal National Government has refused to do.
NSW Labor Government will introduce a mandatory requirement for 30 per cent of all homes built on surplus government land to be set aside for social, affordable and universal housing. It will also boost housing supply and deliver more affordable rental housing for regional NSW, beginning with $30 million for a pilot ‘Build to Rent’ program on the South Coast. |
Ban No ground evictions; Ban rent bids | A NSW Labor Government will make renting fairer by:
● Ending no grounds evictions and working closely with stakeholders, advocacy groups and industry to develop a list of reasonable grounds for an owner to end a tenancy ● Legislating to stop secret rent bidding ● Creating a NSW Rental Commissioner to hold landlords and agents to their responsibilities. The Rental Commissioner will be an advocate and voice for renters; will identify barriers to increasing housing supply for renting, look for practices and gaps that erode the rights of renters, and gather data on renting and survey renters to help inform future policy making. NSW Labor has also committed to improving renters’ rights to pets and introducing portable rental bonds to allow renters to directly transfer bonds from one property to another, while ensuring owners can access funds they may need. |
Reduce barriers to home ownership | Labor is committed to remove or reduce the stamp duty tax burden for 95 per cent of first home buyers over the next three years.
A Labor Government will abolish stamp duty outright for first homebuyers purchasing a home worth up to $800,000 and offer a concessional rate to first homebuyers purchasing a property up to $1,000,000 |
Older persons housing information service | Labor will provide longer term funding certainty for homelessness and housing support organisations and for tenancy advocacy services dealing with the fall-out from the housing crisis.
Labor will deliver more job security and funding certainty for the community services sector by introducing longer five-year funding arrangements for key homelessness and housing support organisations and tenancy advocacy services. Older people in our community are particularly vulnerable to housing stress and insecure housing. I support funding a specialist older person’s housing and information support service. |
Reduce social isolation | I commend your work to promote social justice and social inclusion, and support funding of innovative, evidence driven, local strategies to identify and redress the causes of social isolation and loneliness.
Strategies and policy approaches must be evidence order to make a difference. |
Fund community development organisations like ISV | Taking time to properly explore evidence and come up with innovative solutions takes resources.
The NSW Budget is tight. However, if elected, I will work with you to advocate for funding for organisations like yours which do so much to support our local communities. |
NSW Voice to Parliament/ Treaty | I absolutely support an indigenous voice to the NSW Parliament and a Treaty with First Nations people in NSW.
Labor is the only party which has unequivocally supported the national Voice to Parliament and the Uluru Statement from the Heart. In NSW, Labor has committed to provide $5 million for a year-long consultation on a treaty, with the treaty process to be decided by First Nations people. The consultations would determine whether First Nations people want a treaty or agreement-making process and what that would look like. |
Cost of Living | The cost of living crisis is hitting the poorest in the community hardest. People are struggling to pay for basic essentials like housing, utilities and food, with little money left over to cover the costs of other necessities like health and education. The focus of government responses must be on those with the least means and I support a cost of living package for low income earners and those experiencing housing stress.
Community driven strategies are essential and must be complemented with measures that provide resilience for those experiencing poverty. I have repeatedly called for social housing stock energy and water efficiency upgrades that include decommissioning gas and installing solar panels where possible, and for incentives to make rental homes sustainable. |
Climate Proofing new affordable housing | The environment and planning committee inquiry I initiated and chaired into food made recommendations to government to ensure that healthy food set for landfill can be redirected to those who cannot afford to feed themselves. I’ve worked to get government support for organisations like OzHarvest to make this happen. |
Ban No ground evictions; Ban rent bids | I have spoken out against no-grounds evictions and voted to have them replaced with an expanded set of lawful reasons for evictions each time reforms have been presented to Parliament. Removing no-grounds evictions remains a priority for me. I share your concern that rental prices must be open and transparent and support a ban on secret rent bidding. I am considering restrictions on rent increases linked to CPI as done in the ACT and will consult further on this reform along with your proposal for a rent commission. The lucrative conversion of homes to short term holiday lets is reducing rental supply and pushing up costs. I support restrictions on short term letting that prevent homes being taken out of the rental market. |
Reduce barriers to home ownership | First home buyers are increasingly being pushed out of the market and forced to rent for longer and in many cases, forever. Home ownership provides stability and security and I support initiatives to get more people owning their own home including an expansion to the shared equity scheme so that more low- to medium-income owners can access it. Many home ownership reforms in the past have subsidised property for those who would have been able to afford a home anyway, and only pushed up the price of property. Funding would be better invested in protecting those at most risk of homelessness. We urgently need to grow the social and affordable housing stock and I continue to advocate for a program to build 5,000 new social housing homes each year for the next 10 years, and strong social and affordable housing targets for rezoning including 30 percent on government owned land. |
Older persons housing information service | I have spoken in Parliament about the dire situation of older renters. The recommendations from the inquiry into homelessness amongst older people aged over 55 set out needed reforms which I supported in Parliament including a reduction in the age limit to access priority housing to 55 and early intervention programs with tailored support like Victoria’s ‘Home At Last’ scheme. I am committed to pushing for these vital changes. |
Reduce social isolation | Social isolation and loneliness create serious risks for health and mental health problems and government investment in community builders represents vital investment. |
Fund community development organisations like ISV | I support the Local Community Services Association’s call for better funding for community building organisations like neighbourhood centres and family support services and will call on the next government to provide core funding for such community-led services. |
NSW Voice to Parliament/ Treaty | Closing the gap in Indigenous justice is a priority for me and I have repeatedly called on the NSW Government to action all three elements of the Uluru Statement of the Heart at a state level including a voice to the NSW Parliament and a treaty. My recent private members statement provides details. |
Cost of Living | Yes, this should include greater investment in public and affordable housing. |
Climate Proofing new affordable housing | Yes, as well as government incentives to retro fit for environmental sustainability and climate resilience. |
Ban No ground evictions; Ban rent bids | Yes, housing a is a basic need and human right. |
Reduce barriers to home ownership | I will address the root cause of the housing crisis – government-engineered hyper-demand. We will therefore advocate for the phasing out of property investor tax concessions including negative gearing and capital gains tax, ban foreign ownership and stabilise Australia’s population size. |
Older persons housing information service | Yes, and we should better respect our senior citizens and work to improve their quality of life, while celebrating Australia’s increasing life expectancy as a sign of a successful society. |
Reduce social isolation | Social isolation is a growing problem and if elected I would be delighted to work with you to implement a range of solutions. |
Fund community development organisations like ISV | I support better government funding for community organisation in this space. |
NSW Voice to Parliament/ Treaty | I support a strong and equal voice for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Australians and would advocate strongly for this. |
1 Cost of Living | Yes |
2 Climate Proofing new affordable housing | Yes. The primary goal of Australia’s human population strategy must be to reduce resource use and adverse ecological impacts. A big part of this is creating human settlements in harmony with wildlife and nature through biodiversity-sensitive urban design, transport and infrastructure, while stopping urban sprawl. |
3 Ban No ground evictions; Ban rent bids | Yes. We support amendments to tenancy laws to increase legal protections for people who rent by prohibiting ‘no grounds’ evictions, protecting the rights of people to rent with animals and limiting rental increases to ensure they are fair and in line with CPI and cost of living expenses. We also support making it easier for tenants to enforce their rights and to access longer term leases. |
4 Reduce barriers to home ownership | The AJP advocates the redirection of money spent subsidising animal agriculture, horse and greyhound racing to managing the cost of living crisis which currently prevents first home ownership. |
5 Older persons housing information service | Yes. The AJP recognises and is guided by the expertise of the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) and organisations specialising in solving homelessness. Accordingly, the AJP supports prevention and intervention measures advocated by ACOSS in 2020 to combat homelessness, including a proactive national housing strategy, sustained investment in affordable housing, and tax reform. We will support any further inquiries or trials that aim to look at the underlying economics and effectiveness of interventions that prevent homelessness. The AJP also recognises that particular groups of people face barriers to accessing housing. Those groups include, but are not limited to, First Nations people, young people, older women, people living with disability and/or mental health concerns, people escaping domestic and family violence, LGBTIQ+ people, tenants with animals, and people on low incomes. We support an increase in funding for specialist homelessness, social and legal services that support people who are, or are at risk of, experiencing homelessness. |
6 Reduce social isolation | I will work to reinstate the bus routes that the Liberal government cancelled or shortened. The Maroubra district accounts for 21% of all bus trips in Sydney, and the changes have been horrific for locals, preventing people of all ages, but particularly our elderly population who has no alternative transport, from easily accessing essential services, social engagements and leisure activities. Just yesterday I was talking to a 75-year-old with limited mobility and limited vision due to cataracts, who has to change buses 3 times to get to hospital in Central Sydney, she has to do this every two days, including a painful walk since the bus stops are now further away from her home. This is unacceptable. I will prioritise fixing our buses. |
7 Fund community development organisations like ISV | The AJP supports your proposal. |
8 NSW Voice to Parliament/ Treaty | Yes. The AJP supports self-determination and empowering First Nations communities. The party will consult with First Nations people on issues like treaty and constitutional reform, recognising the complexity and diversity of views across First Nations communities. |
1 Cost of Living | The Greens support this ask. At the heart of our political and social vision is working with and listening to local communities. Our election platform – Lowering the Cost of Living gives an overview of how the Greens will work with the community to reduce the impact of the cost of living. We are committed to addressing the housing crisis by significant reforms for renters and investing in more public, social and affordable housing. We are calling for a massive investment in public and social housing to deliver 100,000 new public and social homes each year for the next 10 years and to providing rent assistance for people in rental stress who are having to pay more than 30% of their income on rent. We will scrap the public sector wages cap, invest to ensure lower energy prices and build affordable housing. The Greens are committed to easing cost of living pressures by making public transport free and by ensuring public schools are genuinely free. Additionally we will lower household energy costs by:
● Establishing a new publicly-owned bank in NSW to provide lower-cost mortgages and higher-rate savings accounts, and to facilitate the payment of government assistance in times of financial stress. ● Establishing a new government-owned electricity retailer, while working to take all energy generator and grid assets back into public hands, which 1 will offer electricity prices without the excess charges or inflated margins demanded by the major energy companies. ● Help households get off gas with grants and zero-interest loans for replacing old polluting gas heating and hot water appliances with energy-efficient electric heat pumps and induction cooktops. ● Introduce a ban on installing gas in new residential builds. ● Provide support for people to install solar panels on their homes and businesses. ● Introduce requirements to ensure low-income earners and renters can access energy efficiency measures in their homes. |
2 Climate Proofing new affordable housing | Yes. The Greens are committed to legislating for higher BASIX and NABERS standards and for rental and affordable housing to include higher basic requirements for heating, cooling, water proofing, and ventilation. We believe housing should be constructed in accordance with ecologically sustainable development principles and be climate positive and climate ready. We support government funding to assist retrofitting homes to become more energy efficient as well as new and renovated homes to be climate change ready and carbon positive within a specific timeframe. |
3 Ban No ground evictions; Ban rent bids | The Greens have championed renter’s rights in consultation with renters and key housing advocacy organisations including the Tenants Union NSW, Shelter NSW and Homelessness NSW. We have called specifically for a ban on unfair no grounds evictions since 2015 when Jenny Leong MP, Greens NSW spokesperson on Housing was elected to the NSW Parliament. We have a comprehensive renters election initiative – Freeze and Cut Rents which includes calls for a rent freeze, rent control, an end to no grounds evictions and the establishment of an independent body to regulate rents. In 2022 The Greens called for an end to rent bidding and also put forward a Bill to end No Grounds Evictions which was not supported by the Liberal National government or the Labor Party. |
4 Reduce barriers to home ownership | Our Housing and Homelessness policy includes commitments to new housing models and an end to stamp duty. The Greens support cooperative and shared equity housing models as we believe that people should have more options for housing cooperative housing and community land trusts which would significantly reduce some of the huge costs associated with private home ownership. We want to see government incentives for the development of these diverse housing options. Additionally, The Greens support removing stamp duty, and introducing a broad-based progressive land tax system that ensures that holdings in other states and territories are considered in the tax rate that is applied. We commit to a fair and rapid transition from stamp duty to land tax with means-testing to allow eligible homeowners to defer land tax. We are committed to:
● Governments making land available on a long-term leasehold basis at reduced cost to co-operatives and other not-for-profit entities that provide affordable housing equity products to their members. ● The purchase of sites or buildings for low-cost housing via Community Land Trusts. ● Assistance to structure legal entities such as limited or mixed-equity housing co-operatives to provide and manage affordable housing. ● Abolishing tax concessions that encourage investor speculation in housing, such as negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions. ● Introducing an annual land tax on luxury properties. |
5 Older persons housing information service | The Greens NSW endorse and will act to get government funding for the calls of Shelter, Homelessness NSW, COTA and Inner City Voice to fund a specialist older person’s housing and information support service. 3 We are committed to better coordination of government and agency services, and improved delivery of information to older people about the services available to them. Governments must carry out long term planning based on needs analysis and appropriate consultation with older people so as to provide adequate, appropriate and timely services across all regions of NSW, taking into account the diversity of cultures and needs in the community. Such services should meet the health, housing, supplementary care and social wellbeing of older people. There must be adequate, appropriate consultation with First Nations peoples and culturally and linguistically diverse communities so that the full range of services can be delivered in a culturally appropriate manner. |
6 Reduce social isolation | The Greens plan for Supporting the Social Services Sector includes the following:
● Provide funding security for the social services sector ● Guarantee funding for neighbourhood and community centres ● Fund local programs to target social isolation and strengthen community connections ● Resource community legal services to meet 100% of demand ● Invest in the social services workforce with a workforce development strategy The Greens understand the crucial role played by neighbourhood centres and recognise the expertise of centres in identifying challenges faced by their local communities and the tailored solutions that will best benefit their unique context. We are committed to developing an ongoing and collaborative dialogue between government and community and neighbourhood centres through a formalised partnership agreement. |
7 Fund community development organisations like ISV | The Greens will ensure that the social and community services sector is resourced with sustainable and secure funding, and its essential workforce receives the investment it needs and deserves. Included in our commitment are the following:
● Provide funding security for the social services sector ● Guarantee funding for neighbourhood and community centres ● Fund local programs to target social isolation and strengthen community connections ● Resource community legal services to meet 100% of demand ● Invest in the social services workforce with a workforce development strategy |
8 NSW Voice to Parliament/ Treaty | The Greens support progress on all elements of the Uluru Statement from the Heart – Truth, Treaty, and Voice. As the federal Labor government has been working out their plan, The Australian Greens have been pushing them on several fronts: to make sure we see progress on Treaty, to ensure Labor’s approach doesn’t undermine First Nations Sovereignty, and that we see progress on ending deaths in custody and child removals. The NSW Greens have outlined our plan for Treaty and Truth Telling in NSW in our First Nations Justice election platform. We will commence a state-wide process of truth-telling and healing, on the path to Treaty and self-determination for First Nations people of New South Wales as outlined in our Truth Telling and Treaty election initiative. We will:
● Establish a Truth & Justice Commission ● Establish an Independent Treaty Commission ● Commence a positive referendum process to create dedicated seats for First Nations people in the NSW Parliament 5 We are committed to a Treaty process that will: ● Determine the standards for how First Nations knowledge, culture and communities can thrive ● Be built on truth-telling and healing. This means exploring, understanding, and reckoning with our painful past and the impact it continues to have on First Nations people and their cultures ● Provide an opportunity for everyone in NSW to celebrate what unites us and tell the story of who we are as a state. It’s a way to own up to our past and be proud of our future |
1 Cost of Living | I would require more detailed information on this strategy but in principle I would support an initiative that helps low income earners. The Informed Medical Options Party believes in smaller governments and less spending because a major contributor to inflation (cost of living) is significant government spending. Rather than harm the average Australian with consecutive mortgage interest rate rises, the government should curb their overall spending in order to get inflation under control. When inflationary pressures are eased then the cost of living should reduce which in turn enables more low income earners to survive without continuous government support packages. |
2 Climate Proofing new affordable housing | The Informed Medical Options Party is about choice. We do not support any type of mandates. We would however strongly recommend measures to take into account predicted hotter temperatures and increased risk to flash flooding but we already have rules in place that governs the development of affordable housing stock which are obviously not being adhered to. As evident in the over-development of some areas within the Maroubra electorate the current environment benefits large scale developers at the expense of the local community. Rather than seek for more mandates we would focus on enforcing the rules that are already in place. |
3 Ban No ground evictions; Ban rent bids | The Informed Medical Options Party is about transparency, accountability and the protection of our human rights. As it is currently a landlord’s market with numerous renters vying for the same rental property we need to protect the rights of renters without disincentivizing investors and landlords. |
4 Reduce barriers to home ownership | The Informed Medical Options Party believe that Australia is a vast country. We have a lot of land per capita compared to the rest of the world. We believe in investing in the appropriate infrastructure to make it enticing for Australians to live, work and raise families in remote towns rather than for the population to be concentrated in the main cities. Given the right conditions, first home buyers will be able to afford house & land packages in remote towns as well as find work in order to raise their young family in a caring community. |
5 Older persons housing information service | Yes, we need to do a better job of looking after our senior citizens in NSW. Before making a decision, I would gather all the relevant advice and facts about the shortcomings and failings of the current system and initiate a process of continuous improvement in this space. If after all the information has been gathered and it is quite clear that affordable housing for the elderly and an information support service is what’s required at the present time then we would support these initiatives |
6 Reduce social isolation | The Informed Medical Options Party is about bringing back communities into the fabric of Australian society. A key component of a healthy community is a strong family unit brought up in an environment of good values, common sense and integrity. I was born in the Philippines and came to Australia at a very young age. In the Philippines it is part of our culture to look after our elders. Many of the homes in the Philippines have extended families living in them. Grandparents are living with their kids with 2-3 families living as a community within a house helping each other out. It is lonely for an elderly person living in Australia at the present moment because we as a country have lost our sense of community and respect for our elders. I would support initiatives that help solve the social isolation currently being experienced by the senior members of our community. |
7 Fund community development organisations like ISV | I would require additional detailed information about your current proposals before making my decision however in principle I would support initiatives that help bring back local communities into the Australian culture. |
8 NSW Voice to Parliament/ Treaty | The Informed Medical Options Party supports walking with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities as we work together on issues brought to our attention through advice and discussion with Cultural Elders. We already have the means to work together and collaborate with Cultural Elders to bring about better outcomes. The main issue is the lack of political will to bridge the gap. The Informed Medical Options Party would work hard to provide the political will to bring about better outcomes for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. |
1 Cost of Living | The Greens support this ask. At the heart of our political and social vision is working with and listening to local communities. Our election platform – Lowering the Cost of Living gives an overview of how the Greens will work with the community to reduce the impact of the cost of living. We are committed to addressing the housing crisis by significant reforms for renters and investing in more public, social and affordable housing. We are calling for a massive investment in public and social housing to deliver 100,000 new public and social homes each year for the next 10 years and to providing rent assistance for people in rental stress who are having to pay more than 30% of their income on rent. We will scrap the public sector wages cap, invest to ensure lower energy prices and build affordable housing. The Greens are committed to easing cost of living pressures by making public transport free and by ensuring public schools are genuinely free. Additionally we will lower household energy costs by:
● Establishing a new publicly-owned bank in NSW to provide lower-cost mortgages and higher-rate savings accounts, and to facilitate the payment of government assistance in times of financial stress. ● Establishing a new government-owned electricity retailer, while working to take all energy generator and grid assets back into public hands, which 1 will offer electricity prices without the excess charges or inflated margins demanded by the major energy companies. ● Help households get off gas with grants and zero-interest loans for replacing old polluting gas heating and hot water appliances with energy-efficient electric heat pumps and induction cooktops. ● Introduce a ban on installing gas in new residential builds. ● Provide support for people to install solar panels on their homes and businesses. ● Introduce requirements to ensure low-income earners and renters can access energy efficiency measures in their homes. |
2 Climate Proofing new affordable housing | Yes. The Greens are committed to legislating for higher BASIX and NABERS standards and for rental and affordable housing to include higher basic requirements for heating, cooling, water proofing, and ventilation. We believe housing should be constructed in accordance with ecologically sustainable development principles and be climate positive and climate ready. We support government funding to assist retrofitting homes to become more energy efficient as well as new and renovated homes to be climate change ready and carbon positive within a specific timeframe. |
3 Ban No ground evictions; Ban rent bids | The Greens have championed renter’s rights in consultation with renters and key housing advocacy organisations including the Tenants Union NSW, Shelter NSW and Homelessness NSW. We have called specifically for a ban on unfair no grounds evictions since 2015 when Jenny Leong MP, Greens NSW spokesperson on Housing was elected to the NSW Parliament. We have a comprehensive renters election initiative – Freeze and Cut Rents which includes calls for a rent freeze, rent control, an end to no grounds evictions and the establishment of an independent body to regulate rents. In 2022 The Greens called for an end to rent bidding and also put forward a Bill to end No Grounds Evictions which was not supported by the Liberal National government or the Labor Party. |
4 Reduce barriers to home ownership | Our Housing and Homelessness policy includes commitments to new housing models and an end to stamp duty. The Greens support cooperative and shared equity housing models as we believe that people should have more options for housing cooperative housing and community land trusts which would significantly reduce some of the huge costs associated with private home ownership. We want to see government incentives for the development of these diverse housing options. Additionally, The Greens support removing stamp duty, and introducing a broad-based progressive land tax system that ensures that holdings in other states and territories are considered in the tax rate that is applied. We commit to a fair and rapid transition from stamp duty to land tax with means-testing to allow eligible homeowners to defer land tax. We are committed to:
● Governments making land available on a long-term leasehold basis at reduced cost to co-operatives and other not-for-profit entities that provide affordable housing equity products to their members. ● The purchase of sites or buildings for low-cost housing via Community Land Trusts. ● Assistance to structure legal entities such as limited or mixed-equity housing co-operatives to provide and manage affordable housing. ● Abolishing tax concessions that encourage investor speculation in housing, such as negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions. ● Introducing an annual land tax on luxury properties. |
5 Older persons housing information service | The Greens NSW endorse and will act to get government funding for the calls of Shelter, Homelessness NSW, COTA and Inner City Voice to fund a specialist older person’s housing and information support service. 3 We are committed to better coordination of government and agency services, and improved delivery of information to older people about the services available to them. Governments must carry out long term planning based on needs analysis and appropriate consultation with older people so as to provide adequate, appropriate and timely services across all regions of NSW, taking into account the diversity of cultures and needs in the community. Such services should meet the health, housing, supplementary care and social wellbeing of older people. There must be adequate, appropriate consultation with First Nations peoples and culturally and linguistically diverse communities so that the full range of services can be delivered in a culturally appropriate manner. |
6 Reduce social isolation | The Greens plan for Supporting the Social Services Sector includes the following:
● Provide funding security for the social services sector ● Guarantee funding for neighbourhood and community centres ● Fund local programs to target social isolation and strengthen community connections ● Resource community legal services to meet 100% of demand ● Invest in the social services workforce with a workforce development strategy The Greens understand the crucial role played by neighbourhood centres and recognise the expertise of centres in identifying challenges faced by their local communities and the tailored solutions that will best benefit their unique context. We are committed to developing an ongoing and collaborative dialogue between government and community and neighbourhood centres through a formalised partnership agreement. |
7 Fund community development organisations like ISV | The Greens will ensure that the social and community services sector is resourced with sustainable and secure funding, and its essential workforce receives the investment it needs and deserves. Included in our commitment are the following:
● Provide funding security for the social services sector ● Guarantee funding for neighbourhood and community centres ● Fund local programs to target social isolation and strengthen community connections ● Resource community legal services to meet 100% of demand ● Invest in the social services workforce with a workforce development strategy |
8 NSW Voice to Parliament/ Treaty | The Greens support progress on all elements of the Uluru Statement from the Heart – Truth, Treaty, and Voice. As the federal Labor government has been working out their plan, The Australian Greens have been pushing them on several fronts: to make sure we see progress on Treaty, to ensure Labor’s approach doesn’t undermine First Nations Sovereignty, and that we see progress on ending deaths in custody and child removals. The NSW Greens have outlined our plan for Treaty and Truth Telling in NSW in our First Nations Justice election platform. We will commence a state-wide process of truth-telling and healing, on the path to Treaty and self-determination for First Nations people of New South Wales as outlined in our Truth Telling and Treaty election initiative. We will:
● Establish a Truth & Justice Commission ● Establish an Independent Treaty Commission ● Commence a positive referendum process to create dedicated seats for First Nations people in the NSW Parliament 5 We are committed to a Treaty process that will: ● Determine the standards for how First Nations knowledge, culture and communities can thrive ● Be built on truth-telling and healing. This means exploring, understanding, and reckoning with our painful past and the impact it continues to have on First Nations people and their cultures ● Provide an opportunity for everyone in NSW to celebrate what unites us and tell the story of who we are as a state. It’s a way to own up to our past and be proud of our future |
Authorised by Peter Connelly, ISV, 770 Elizabeth Street, Waterloo. NSW 2017 based on information provided by candidates and their campaigns.