Inner Sydney Voice Spring 2020

28 September 2020 | Posted In: Publications

The spring 2020 issue of Inner Sydney Voice magazine is out now. If you would like to be sent a hard copy, email your details to It’s also available in flipbook and PDF formats.



A preventable disaster

The Victorian government’s response to the COVID outbreak in the Melbourne public housing towers received much criticism. Fred Fuentes explains how the debacle was allowed to happen.

Kids in cells

Ten-year-olds will continue to be held criminally responsible in Australia after the nation’s attorneys-general ignored social justice advocates and failed to raise the age.

The uncertain future of volunteering

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the volunteering landscape shifted in a way no-one thought possible. Luke Michael reflects on some key moments that have shaped volunteering over the past 20 years and looks at where the sector is headed next.

The young homeless

A new report from Mission Australia provides unique insight into youth homelessness. Christopher Kelly distils the details.

Shelter for all in need

In Finland, the number of homeless has fallen sharply. As Kathrin Glosel explains, it’s because the country has applied a revolutionary housing concept.

Facing financial exclusion

Even before the pandemic, cash transactions in Australia were on the decline. As Christopher Kelly reports, post-COVID, there are concerns we could become a completely cashless society.

The post-COVID reality

Coronavirus has altered the look and feel of cities globally prompting talk of society emerging into a new normal. But, as Richard Florida discusses, only some of the changes are likely to remain.

Adjusting to the new normal

Even though many of us dream about the day life finally returns to pre-pandemic norms, that re-entry into the real world might not be all smooth sailing.

A loss of place

The social housing residents of the Waterloo estate have been promised that they will be rehoused once it is redeveloped. But, as Laura Wynne and Dallas Rogers discuss, an absence of physical relocation does not equate to an absence of displacement.

“Where are they going to go?”

The human stories behind the Waterloo estate.

Cycling toward a COVID recovery

Building roads for cars is often seen as the answer to kick-starting the economy. But, as Matthew McLaughlin and Trevor Shilton explain, cycling and walking infrastructure is a better investment.

A growing movement

Community gardens are flourishing in Australia. As Christopher Kelly reports, not only do they geen urban spaces, they also cultivate connected communities.

A force to be reckoned with*

Lyall Munro Snr was considered a legend of the land rights movement. But, as Jake Kendall reports, he saw himself as fundamentally a black fella fighting for his mob.

Land rights — the milestones*

The wake-up call we needed

COVID-19 has upended our daily routines. But, as Davis Demillo explains, it could be a blessing in disguise.

Mask up Sydney

Sydneysiders seem resistant to wearing masks in public. But, as Gabriel Metcalf argues, if we want to avoid Melbourne’s fate. we should be prepared to suck it up and cover up.

Imprisoned in their homes

In July, the Victorian government placed the residents of nine public housing towers in inner-Melbourne under a police-enforced hard lockdown. Here, they describe the experience.

*Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are warned this article contains an image of a deceased person
