Time: 9:30 am
This first aid course is a full day face-to-face session from 9.30am–5pm; lunch and refreshments will be provided. Each session has capacity for 20 participants.
To access this free training participants must meet all of the following:
- Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident, or New Zealand Citizen or Humanitarian Visa Holder (must supply visa)
- Be aged 15 years or older, and
- Live or work in NSW, and
- No longer at school or equivalent, and not currently enrolled in an AMEP or a Smart & Skilled course (TAFE or other RTO)
And meet at least one of the below:
- Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
- Someone with a disability or dependent child, spouse or partner with a disability
- A recipient, or is a dependent child, spouse or partner of a recipient of the following applicable benefit: Age Pension, Disability Support Pension, Jobseeker Allowance, Family Tax Benefit Part A, Austudy, Youth Allowance, Carer Payment (not including Carer Allowance or Carer Adjustment Pay)
To find out more information call City East Community College direct on 9387 7400 or email enrol@cec.edu.au.
You can enrol here.